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  • 佛罗里达州ONTE VEDRA BEACH Pat Tillman Jersey 。 - 美国公开赛冠军贾斯汀罗斯。然后他确信它没有。只有在他上下拯救比赛之后。两杆点球将他的71杆变成了73杆。而不是落后五杆,乔丹斯皮斯和马丁凯梅尔,他的投篮命中率为7杆。罗斯说:“在战斗结束的那一天,这是一个吞下苦药的苦果。” “在某些方面,我自己的错是试图成为我自己的规则官员。” 罗斯错过了右边的第18个绿色,并设置了精致的芯片。突然,他出现时退缩了。他打电话给塞尔吉奥加西亚。他们在视频板上观看了重播。“我们都清楚地看着证据,看看重播,并说,不,绝对球没有动,”罗斯说。“但在放大50倍的卡车,也许把球转移的四分之一朝向球杆趾一个酒窝。很显然,如果球移动时,感动。我也得到评估额外杆处罚。” 根据规则18-2b,罗斯因为球在地址上移动(一次射门)而受到处罚,然后是另外一次没有替换它的球。他本来可以偶然得到自己 罗斯说,草很柔软,不均匀,他认为这可能是球的外观。“我已经从试图筹码3到6步走了,”他说他的双柏忌。令人失望。但同样地,我很高兴现在至少做出了正确的决定。球移动了。显然,我犯了一个错误。“肉眼可以辨别原因(18/4)可以免除罚款当时“并要求增强技术。”“所谓的”时间“和”需要增强技术。“在签署他的记分卡之前,他看了NBC体育的重播,看起来很好。罗斯说,他去了第二个和第三个预告片,看到不同的电视观点“他们真正放大了。” “运动......并不是真的可见,”他说。这是去年在芝加哥举行的BMW锦标赛的回忆,老虎伍兹被两杆罚球。伍兹坚持认为,即使在视频证据之后,球也只会振荡。他被罚两杆。在这两种情况下,都没有获得任何好处。但是“高尔夫规则”要求球“按照它的位置进行比赛”。“这必须是正确的结果,”罗斯说。“因为如果球移动 - 是否移动一英寸,如果球移动,我现在很开心。”我的良心很清楚。“今晚睡得更好知道, 折扣红雀队球衣  。-若昂·普拉塔在最后24分钟拿下了两次,包括在补时阶段的赢家  ,帮助皇家盐湖城保持不败以3-2战胜不胜芝加哥火焰上周六晚。

    • 2066 просмотров
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    • Последнее обновление 23 августа 2018 г.


ONTE VEDRA BEACH, Fla. Pat Tillman Jersey . - U.S. Open champion Justin Rose thought his ball might have moved. Then he was convinced it didnt. Only after he got up-and-down to save par and looked at the replay on three televisions did he see the slighest movement that came with a stiff penalty Saturday in The Players Championship. The two-shot penalty turned his 71 into a 73. Instead of being five shots behind Jordan Spieth and Martin Kaymer, he was seven shots back. "That was a bitter pill to swallow at the end of a battling day," Rose said. "In some ways, its my own fault for trying to be my own rules official." Rose missed the 18th green to the right and set up over the ball to play a delicate chip. Suddenly, he backed away when there appeared to be movement right after he lightly grounded his club. He called over Sergio Garcia. They watched the replay on a video board. "We both clearly look at the evidence and look at the replay and say, No, absolutely the ball didnt move," Rose said. "But under 50 times magnification in the truck, maybe the ball moved a quarter of a dimple toward the toe of the club. Obviously, if the ball moved, it moved. And I get assessed an extra stroke penalty." Rose was penalized under Rule 18-2b for causing the ball to move at address (one shot), and then an additional shot for not replacing it. He might have been able to save himself one shot by calling for an official to go through the incident. Rose said the grass was soft and uneven, which he thought might have given the appearance that the ball moved. "Ive gone from trying to chip in to make 3 to walking off with a 6," he said of his double bogey. "Disappointing. But in the same way, Im glad now that at least the right decision has been made. The ball moved. Obviously, I made a mistake." Rose was not spared by an addition to the "Decisions on the Rules of Golf" this year (18/4) that would waive the penalty if a ball movement was not "reasonably discernible to the naked eye at the time" and required enhanced technology. The fact he quickly backed away from the shot was evidence that it was discernible. Even so, this took what Rose called "four trucks and different technology" to sort out. Before signing his scorecard, he looked at a replay on NBC Sports and it looked fine. European Tour rules official David Probyn weighed in with some concerns to make sure it was right, and Rose said he went to a second and a third trailer to see different television views "where they really zoomed in." "The movement ... was virtually not visible," he said. It was reminiscent of the BMW Championship last year in Chicago, where Tiger Woods was penalized two shots when video showed his ball moved ever so slightly as Woods was removing loose twigs around it. Woods was adamant that the ball only oscillated, even after video evidence. He was penalized two shots. In both cases, no advantage was gained. But the Rules of Golf require the ball to be "played as it lies." "It has to be the right result," Rose said. "Because if the ball moves — whether it moves an inch, if the ball moves a hair — the ball moved. And Im happy now. My conscience is clear. Ill sleep better tonight knowing that, eventually, the right decision was made." But he wasnt entirely happy. "No advantage gained, and obviously now a big disadvantage, unfortunately," he said about the two-shot penalty. Discount Cardinals Jerseys . - Joao Plata scored twice in the final 24 minutes, including the winner in stoppage time, to help Real Salt Lake remain unbeaten with a 3-2 victory over the winless Chicago Fire on Saturday night.

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